In an endeavor to create a site unique, might make it “inaccessible” to a large audience. Alas! Most of the websites in Pakistan are not designed in accordance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), leaving out a large bracket that is impenetrable for web access.
Just imagine, your boss is staring at your screen and you
have to guess warped CAPTCHAS to proceed. It can be a horrible story for me as
I am so pitiable in guessing CAPTCHAS. I usually get closer to the screen to
understand these coiled and curved letters or take help from my fellows. I
wonder how they can serve to ensure that a “human being” is generating the
response (BTW, I am cent percent sure that I belong to a family of species who are
Human SapiensJ).
At last, one day I was given an assignment to do some research and send a
comprehensive report on “Web Accessibility”. Phew!!!
“Thank God, I am not an alien!” I whispered after reviewing
the statistics. In US, 20% of the citizens (equates to about 54 million) are
facing trouble, in one way or other, to understand the website content. It is a
common phenomenon and it can be found associated with the people around you,
even in yourself (just consider my example). Remember, only four kinds of
disabilities are associated with web access; visual, hearing, motor and
cognitive. Unfortunately, I did not find much authentic statistics for Pakistan
but one thing is for sure, if your website is not playing nice with the above
mentioned impairments, you might get losing a big chunk of users.
A big question mark may follow what are the tricks to use
then. However, the good news is that Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(WCAG) are available on W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) website to keep in
consideration while developing and designing a website. WCAG 2.0 is based on 4 basic
principles known as POUR; Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, Robust. Widening
the arms surrounds more people around you, which will surely help you in not
only reducing bounce rate to your website but also making it more accessible
for search engines too. All this may sound like a long way to cover up, but in
reality it is not. Keeping in view some basic and simple ways can list you
among websites with accessibility.
Check contrasts between your background and foreground, add
a symbol and not relying solely on colors, stay responsive to screen-reader
software, use captioned or transcribed videos, support simple keyboard access,
avoid too many complex options on a single page with no hierarchy, avoid
movements that can be distracting, availability of changing the text size,
speech enabled website are few of the most simple techniques to grab more
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